Julien Reynes

3thd year – PhD student in mineralogy-petrology
Institute of Geological Sciences, University of Bern
Baltzerstrasse 1+3, CH-3012 Bern, Switzerland
Office: +41 (0) 31 631 47 38 – Cell: +41 (0) 78 646 76 92

  • Personal data

Born 29th January 1992 in Roubaix (France)
French citizen

Private address: Schreinerweg 15, CH-3012 Bern (Switzerland)
Email: julien.reynes@geo.unibe.ch

  • Current position 

PhD student (funded for 4 years) in mineralogy petrology under supervision of Prof. Jörg Hermann and Dr. Pierre Lanari, at the Institute of Geological Sciences, University of Bern. Topic: Hydrogen incorporation in garnet (See more here)

  • Education 

2016 -2020 PhD studies in mineralogy-petrology at the Institute of geological Sciences, University of Bern, under the supervision of Professor Jörg Hermann and Pierre Lanari

2016 Diploma of the Ecole Normale Superieure (ENS), major in Geosciences
Ecole Normale Superieure is a prestigious institution of higher education providing specialised training for students. Training includes many field and laboratory courses.

2015-2016 M.S in Geology, jointly issued by Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris (IPGP) and the ENS

2014-2015 Master 1st year, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Paris with 1 semester internship at the Research School of Earth Sciences, Australian National University (ANU), Canberra

2013-2014 License in geosciences (equivalent to a B.S. in geosciences) at the ENS

2010-2013 Competitive class, major in Biology, Physics, Chemistry Earth Sciences and Maths, in Lycée Faidherbe, Lille
French “Classes préparatoires” are a two to three years scientific program in preparation for the national “Grandes écoles” competitive exams.

2010 Highschool diploma, major in Science, obtained with honors (Baccalauréat)

  • Publications

Reynes J., Lanari P. and Hermann J. A mapping approach for the investigation of Ti-OH relationships in metamorphic garnet. Contributions to mineralogy and petrology, vol. 175, issue 46, 1-17

Malvoisin B., Austrheim H., Hetényi G., Reynes J., Hermann J., Baumgartner L. and Podladchikov Y. Sustainable densification of the deep crust. Geology (in press)

Reynes J., Jollands M., Hermann J. and Ireland T.: Experimental constraints on hydrogen diffusion in garnet. Contribution to mineralogy and petrology, vol. 173, issue 9, 69-92

Godard G., Reynes J., Bascou J., Ménot R.-P., and Palmeri, R.: First rocks sampled in Antarctica (1840), 2018: Insights into the landing area and the Terre Adélie craton. Comptes Rendus Geoscience, vol.349, issue 1, 12-21

  • Analytical and laboratory skills 

Microscopy: Optical microscopy, Scanning Electron Microscopy (imaging, chemical cartography, PCA, Classification)

IR spectroscopy: Fourrier transform Infrared spectroscopy: Water content determination in nominally anhydrous minerals (NAMs), mapping, advanced processing of FTIR data using MATLAB routines (deconvolution, stackable maps with traces and major elements)

Electron microprobe: Characterisation of various minerals, X-ray mapping (Cameca SX100 (Paris), JEOL JXA-8200 (Bern))

Ion microprobe: Water measurements in nominally anhydrous minerals, various garnets and pyroxenes, through 16O1H/16O ratio determination. Instrument used: SHRIMP-SI (ANU, Canberra, Australia) and SIMS Cameca IMS 1280-HR (University of Lausanne, Switzerland)

Laser Ablation Inductively coupled Mass spectrometry: Bulk rock major and trace elements analysis on micropellets, trace elements determination in various minerals. Data reduction with Sills and Iolite Igor Pro 7

Experimental: Hydrogen diffusion experiments using furnaces, gas maxing furnaces and piston cylinder apparatus.
Maintenance and synthesis with cold sealed apparatus hydrothermal lab

Sample preparation: Double-side polished 50-200 µm thick sections of mineral and rocks pieces for IR transmission spectroscopy, indium mounts for SIMS

  • Research experience (before PhD studies) 

2016 – 6 months research internship in Petrology and Geochemistry jointly hosted by IMPMC (Paris VI) and IPGP (Paris VII), supervised by Alberto Vitale Brovarone and Isabelle Martinez. Topic: “Fluid flow and metasomatism from oceanic floor to subduction zone: the case of Alpine chloritoschists”

Methods used: SEM, EPMA, oxygen isotopy on chlorites, C,O isotopy on carbonates, Bulk rock analysis

2015 – 6 months research internship in Petrology at the Research School of Earth Sciences, ANU, Canberra, Australia, supervised by Professor Jörg Hermann. Topic: “Looking for a deep water cycle in subduction zones: investigation on garnets; FTIR calibration, diffusion experiments and application to natural samples analysis”

Methods used: FTIR spectroscopy, SHRIMP-SI, microprobe, experiments under furnaces and gas maxing furnaces, advanced computations using Matlab® on FTIR data.

2014 – 1 month research internship at IPGP (Paris VII) supervised by Gaston Godard. Topic: “Petrologic study of the first rocks sampled from Terre Adélie, Antarctica, by the Dummont d’Urville’s expedition (January 1840)”

Methods used: optical microscopy, SEM, EPMA, intensive bibliographic research in the French marine archives at the French National Library (BNF).

  • Field experience 

2019 – Mapping field course with bachelor students, Valmalenco, Italy (8 days)*

2018 – Petrology fieldcourse, Varallo, Italy (4 days)*

2017, 2018 – Mapping course with bachelor students, Ivrea, Italy (2×3 days)*

2017 – Field work in Zermatt (3 days)

2017 – Field work in Valmalenco (8 days)

2016 – Volcanology course on Mount Etna and its surroundings, Sicily (8 days)

2014 – Tectonic and metamorphic cross section of the Alps, from Valence, France to the Po valley, Italy (8 days)

2014 – Volcanology course in Sicily, Italy (8 days)

2014 – Geodesy course, measure of the geoid height through GPS measurements, Saint-Etienne-de-Tinée to Nice, France (8 days)

2014 – Acquisition of Marine seismic data in the Mediterranean Sea, near Nice, France (8 days)

2013 – Mapping field course in Barles, French Alps, France (15 days)

*field assistant during these trips

  • International conferences

2019 – Swiss Geoscience Meeting in Fribourg, Switzerland. Poster presentation: ‘Ca3Ti24+H2Si2O12 , a new hydrogarnet?’

2019 – Alpine workshop in Sion, Switzerland. Poster presentation: « Garnet water budget  in subducted rocks: A case study from the Zermatt ophiolite »

2019 – EGU, Vienna – Oral presentation: “Hydrogen diffusion in garnets: Comparison between laboratory experiments and natural samples from high-pressure metamorphic rocks”

2018 – Swiss Geoscience Meeting in Bern, Switzerland. Oral presentation: “Water retention in garnets from subducted crust, Zermatt, Switzerland”

2018 – GSA Annual meeting in Indianapolis, USA – Oral presentation: “A novel approach to investigate water incorporation in garnet”

2017 – Swiss Geoscience Meeting in Davos, Switzerland. Poster presentation: “Water incorporation & site-specific hydrogen diffusion in garnets”

2017 – Goldsmidt in Paris, France – Oral presentation “Water incorporation and site-specific diffusion in garnet”

  • Others presentations

2019 – Presentation of french scientific studies to highschool students in Villepinte (near Paris), invited by Hafid Adnani, Headmaster.

2018 – SFMC annual meeting in Paris, France. Poster presentation: “Water retention in garnet at extrem P,T conditions”

2017 – Journées Petrologiques in Zürich, Oral presentation: “Retention of water in spessartine-rich garnet in subducted rocks”

2016 – Presentation in secondary schools, Introduction to plate dynamics through rocks found at earth surface (highly interactive courses, in French).
(8 classes x 1h ≈ 240 students)

  • Teaching experience

2017, 2018, 2019 – Matlab programming course assistant, basic and advanced courses for master students (in English). (2 x 30h/y)

2017, 2018, 2019: Fieldwork assistant, various locations (see field experience for details)

2019 – Supervision of a short research internship of high school student Tobias Ryser in Bern. (2 weeks)

  • Administrative duties

Social Media Manager for the institute of geological sciences of the university of Bern. I suggested and set up this project. I took part in handling social media cover of the institute over 3 years with 2 other colleagues. Instagram and Twitter accounts can be found @geologyunibern.

Organisation of logistics for international conferences for up to 6 people (booking flights, accommodation, transportation etc.)

  • Languages

French (Mother tongue), English (Spoken & Written)

  • Programming 

I developed and maintained over 10 different Matlab routines and programs during my PhD studies, main programs being:
– TiPeaks and Autodeconvolution programs. Programs allowing advanced and automated deconvolution of FTIR spectra, allowing to realise deconvoluted profiles and maps.
– Diffusion models. I developed 2D diffusion models with custom grain shape and custom initial water zonings.
– FPAMaps, StackMaps and other advanced FTIR-related programs. I developed programs to process maps acquired with high resolution FPA detector. The programs permit to handle data quickly and easily, to access various computations and evaluations, and finally to stack FTIR maps with major and trace elements maps acquired by electron microprobe or laser ablation ICPMS.
– Various programs to process SHRIMP and SIMS data, microprobe results normalisation taking into account the water content measured by FTIR etc.

  • IT skills

Microsoft office (Word/excel/powerpoint)

Advanced user of Matlab (I produce 95% of my graphs/figures with Matlab®  – the rest being pictures and drawing).

Illustrator and photoshop (for high quality figures in postscript).

ENVI (Image processing, PCA, classification)

  • Collaborations

Jörg Hermann, University of Bern, Switzerland
Michael Jollands, Columbia University, USA
Pierre Lanari, University of Bern, Switzerland
Benjamin Malvoisin, University of Lausanne, Switzerland/ University of Grenoble, France
Alberto Vitale Brovarone, University of Torino, Italy